It's time to play

We have really enjoyed keeping in touch with our families over the phone and with emails during lock-down. As time has gone on we asked parents if they could ask their children what they have liked or disliked about lock-down. Some of the boys and lasses drew pictures to share their ideas. 

A lot of you have said you miss coming to Nursery, and we miss seeing you all too. 
Lots of boys, girls, and mums and dads have said they have enjoyed being able to spend more time together. We can see that you are having fun spending time with your families, and are so busy with lots of different activities.

Name activity
We have really liked seeing and hearing about how the children are getting on with their weekly activities. A few groups have been looking for things at home that begin with the letters from their names. Well done everyone who has done this as there are some tricky letters to find.

It's even more tricky looking for letters outside because things don't stay in one place. Can you spot what letter this person found?

Here's what you have been up to inside

Baking a cake for Dad's birthday

Practising writing letters

                                 Junk modelling                                 And here's the final product

 More letters

Playing games

Storytime - making up stories using story stones

Reading a book

Toilet roll puppets

Learning about numbers and counting

Helping our big brothers and sisters get ready for the Peedie Olympics

 In the garden

 Releasing ladybirds we have been watching grow

 Sowing Nursery seeds

An exciting visitor

Hard at work cleaning Grandad's tatties

Home grown spinach - harvesting and tasting

Camping in the garden

Out and about

Sigurd the snake is still growing

"Down in the jungle where nobody goes
There's a little pink leopard washing her clothes"

Making a stone village

Decorating stones for Sigurd

 Crab spotting

Playing (and learning) is hard work. Time for a treat


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