Snow men in May???

Miss Wick's group have been looking at the weather each day this week. How many different types of weather have you seen?

Thank you

We are missing seeing you in the Nursery just now so here is a peedie message from Miss Easton to all the boys and girls (and grown ups too). Thank you for staying safe and staying at home.

Outdoors fun


Helping refurbish the garden furniture. Let's hope the sun comes back soon


Fun in the MAY snow. Brrr

See how careful and gentle you have to be when releasing butterflies that have grown from the life cycle kits

It wasn't just butterflies that needed to be released. This baby rabbit was stuck but is now free. Well done girls


Fun at the beach

Spoots for tea. Yummy

Den Building 

The Peedie Chicks have been busy making dens inside and outside. Could you make a den at your house?

This weeks Artwork


Flower pictures made from real flowers

One of our children has been waiting patiently for eggs to hatch. 28 days is a LONG time !! She made a book telling us all about it, here's a little bit from the book.

We also got sent a book about frogs and tadpoles. Look what was in the garden 

Practising letters at home

Leaf printing 

Self portraits

Loose part pictures

Some of the children's older brothers and sisters schoolwork has included painting with coffee. As you can see it has been popular with our Nursery boys and girls too.

Experimenting with colour

Mrs Rendall and Mrs Harcus are going to tell you about some of the pictures you have been sending in. Have a listen to the messages.


Playing and working indoors

We can't go very far away from home just now but there's nothing to stop us having picnics or going to the shops (at home)

We don't need to go to Picky for exercise either

Lots of people who help us are still working hard

After all that exercise we need something quiet to do. How about a jigsaw or some sewing? Or maybe a game?

Playing Miss William's positional language game. Can you stand in front of the chair and look behind you?


Kitchen creations

Happy Birthday

Thank you

Mrs Harcus is going to show you how to sign a thank you to the key workers who are very busy just now


A hug/cuddle makes everything better.
Keep up the good work everyone

The Nursery Team x


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