Fun Outdoors

We have been really lucky to have lots of bonnie weather since Nursery closed. You have certainly been making the most of it and have been spending lots of time outside.

Just like the indoors photos we can see so much learning going on. It might be 'just playing' to the children but they are learning so much from siblings and parents.


A farmers work is never done. How many sheep can you see?

Hold on tight
Searching for tadpoles

Out and about

Donating birthday party eggs to the hardworking ambulance workers. Well done Harvey

Counting and recording how many things we see on our walks

It's good to be able to see Nursery when we are on our bikes

What can you find on the beach?


Obstacle courses


Mrs Rendall's Alphabet exercises

Tug of war with mum

Outside Art

Shadow drawing

Working in the garden


Painting and fixing is hard work

Making our own playpark

Easter fun
Egg hunts and rolling eggs


Time to relax 

We have been joining in the Clapping to thank carers on Thursday nights


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