Merry Christmas

Well we have made it to the end of term....just. This week we have continued the Winter theme throughout Nursery. At the start of the week when it wasn't safe to go our walk we still went outside. We had lots of fun going Xmas yoga and other games.
 Xmas trees

 Snakes - very Christmassy

 Big Snowmen
 'The Reindeer Pokey@

We observed the effect frost had on things on the Nursery garden

 " My hands freezing"
 " It's gone solid"
 " It's a fir Christmas tree."  " It's bigger than me"

 We have made gingerbread houses in groups this week. Yum Yum


 Making snowflakes with loose parts

 We made a whole Nursery group frosty picture. It was the "biggest picture in the world".

 Making reindeers and Christmas cupcakes

 There's always time for a story

 listening to the adventures of Pip McJingle

 Open Ended baking

 Party games
 Everyone's getting a bit giddy at the thought of the holidays
The Nursery team wish everyone a Happy and Healthy Christmas and New Year.
Here's to a fun 2020 at Papdale Nursery
We'll see you all back at Nursery when it re-opens on Monday January 6th.



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