Music and Ice
* Reminder - It's our Coffee Morning next Saturday, 30th November 10-12noon.
We would love to see you for a fun morning of crafts and a cuppa *
Planning Wall
Lost property
We are always delighted when parents join us in Nursery. We are lucky enough to have a music teacher as a parent, so the whole group joined in for songs and playing instruments. We learnt lots of new songs, and about rhythm, tempo and volume.
The cold weather has sparked an interest in ice. We have been observing frost and ice on our walks, and have been having discussions about what happens in different conditions. We introduced ice in the water trays, and have been experimenting making our own ice, and freezing items in the water. It has been a sensory experience and a chance to explore water in different states.
How does it feel? How can we get the toys out? What's happening to the ice?
We have a Tuff Spot based on a story which relates to ice and Winter. Children have been talking about the cold, freezing and melting.
Hall Time
When the weathers not so nice we can use the hall. It gives children the chance to develop gross motor skills and an awareness of how their bodies move during physical activities.
This week we played 'Sharks' and were throwing, catching, rolling etc.
Children have been adding their own ingredients to the playdough. These have had different smells and textures.
The children are continuing to make campfires after being up at the Secret Garden. They are talking about what they do to stay safe.
"You need to stay back"
" The beads are making a circle. You can't go over it or you will get burnt"
Sensory Experiences
The children have been working with clay. For a lot of them it has been a new material to explore, using just their hands or utensils.
Bubble wrap was popular when on the floor, with some children choosing to pop it bare foot.
The Peedie Chicks have been seeing how tall they are, and comparing sizes.
Problem solving
Wherever you look in the Nursery children can be seen problem solving.
Communication and Literacy
We have a typewriter at the drawing table. Children have enjoyed looking for letters, especially the ones in their names. We have been talking about the numbers on the keys, and writing letters to send to people.
Here are some of the Caddies practising signing their names. We use basic signing in Nursery as a visual way of communicating.
Papdale Nursery Talent
As you can see we are a very talented bunch at Papdale. This week we have spotted future Break-dancers and models.
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