'Exploring our local environment'
* Reminder* Our informal Drop-In evening is on Tuesday 1st October from 6-7.30pm. Please join us for a cuppa, chat and chance to see your child's Nursery environment. Key workers, Manager and Senior will be available to discuss any concerns or queries you may have. Leonie Scott, Family Support Worker will also be available to give advice on sleep routines, toileting and Peep sessions.
This invitation is for parent's only, however we will be starting stay and play sessions in term 2.
Autumn at Papdale
On Friday last week we took advantage of the lovely weather and went to The Willows. While there the children explored the woods, looking at different types of trees and plants. We played Hide and Seek. Some children collected sticks for a camp fire, others were comparing sizes with the sticks.
Children are continuing to use the resources collected outside in their play in different areas of the Nursery.
We are still adding our ideas to the floor-book. You will be able to see out floor-books around the Nursery at the Drop-in evening.
Some of the children have been on trips this week. Because we have are such a busy nursery we have moved away from whole nursery trips. By going in smaller groups we feel we can plan trips relevant to children's interests, and they can be a richer learning experience. We have trips throughout the year which we plan to follow interests we have observed in Nursery.
This week two groups went to visit the pier. Some of the Moppies went a visit to the Earl Thorfinn and were shown around by one of our dads. We were shown the different areas of the boat, and even got to sit in the Captain's chair.
Bacon roll anyone?
Another group went to the pier to see the different typed of boats. We were excited to see the lifeboat, ferries and one of our dad's working on a fishing boat. We looked out for signs and other environmental print on the way.
What types of boat can we see?
Back in Nursery
Teamwork in the sand
Where could we go?
Co-operation is needed when working together
We can build all sorts of things with the blocks - a house, boat, plane, obstacle course - just a few of the things we have seen this week
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