Welcome to Papdale Nursery 2019-2020

Welcome to Papdale Nursery
The Nursery team have been delighted to see so many children in Nursery this week. We would like to welcome our new families and friends to the Nursery, and are happy to see last year's children returning. We are looking forward to getting to know our new children, and to catching up with the children who were part of the Nursery last year.
We are ready for a fun filled term, and hope you hear lots of stories about what everyone gets up to.

' It's lovely to see all of you at Papdale Nursery'
* Reminders*
Nursery lunches are free this year. Children no longer have to pay for their lunch.
Please remember to bring a pair of wellies to keep at Nursery. We are outside everyday which means it is easier to have a pair here at all times.
Can we also remind you to have a change of clothes in your child's bag in case of accidents.
It would be really helpful if clothes and footwear could be labelled with your child's name. Last year we had an awful lot of items that were the same (and the same sizes!)
Lost Property
We are going to put a photo of any lost property on the blog each week as we know it can be tricky for children to remember what belongs to them. The box is kept on the shelf just inside the door.
We are off to a good start as there is only one item to show you this week.

Our week in Nursery
The children have been really busy this week. They have been settling in and exploring the different areas of the Nursery. Here is a small selection of some of the fun we have had this week.

 Small World
 Role play
 Some quiet time with books 
 Making a lake
 " The wheels on the bus"

 Looking for sharks

 Helping to make snack 
Snack Time



 Making Miss Easton look bonny

 Looking after our babies

 Group Time
We have lots of fun in our key groups where we do activities, stories, songs and games.

Our Planning Wall
If you have been in Nursery this week you may have noticed the whiteboard on the wall opposite the door where you come in. This is our planning wall where we write some of our observations of what the children have been doing, what they may have been learning, and what we might do to extend the children's learning. We add this to the blog so that you can read it for a snapshot of what has been happening in Nursery

We go down to the dinner hall for our lunch. This has gone really well this week.

See you next week
The Nursery Team


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