Autumn is here

Planning Wall

This week we have introduced an Autumn tray which contains leaves, dried fruit, pine cones and conkers. We have been talking about what the children think everything is. Some groups have been out gathering items for making Autumn pictures and to dry to have in the Nursery. We have been noticing the different colours, shape and size of leaves, and talking about what they feel like and sounds they make.

 On our last visit to the Secret Garden the children saw lots of apples. Following on from this a group made apple buns for snack.

 A group of children went a visit to one of the children's gardens to see the changes that are happening in gardens as we move into Autumn. The children had a great time finding apples, and seeing all the different types of trees. They spent some time drawing what they saw.

As you can see the children continue to be basing a lot of their play around travel. We have been on buses, boats and lots more.
Tickets and money please

 "Come on my boat. We go to dance"
 Don't forget your seatbelts
 During hall time we were travelling in different vehicles

 There was big excitement on our walk when we could hear lots of noises. When we got through the trees we discovered where the noises were coming from. The workers were kind enough to explain to us what they were doing. We noticed that the digger is different to other vehicles as "it's got tracks".
Children learn lots when building with blocks. They are learning about size, shape, and quantity as well as using creativity and imagination.
 Look at our creations - towers, The Cathedral and a house complete with it's own lift.

 Sensory play
This week's tray has been dried rice. We have been filling and pouring, and seeing how fast or slow it flows through different size tubes.

The children have been baking in the playdough. We added chocolate playdough, and the children have been making their own recipes.

Children have been busy in the mud kitchen. We extended the learning by making soup for snack.



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