
Showing posts from August, 2019

Settling into Nursery Life

Week two has seen us continue to explore the nursery and surrounding areas. We have made the most of the good weather and have gone for small walks in the school grounds. We have been to visit the stage area and played in the trees. Someone has been hiding key-group stickers amongst the trees and the children had to find their group pictures. Children had the opportunity to make their own stickers for other people to find. Before we went to play in the trees we all gathered on the stage to listen to Mrs Macintosh who spoke about the things we need to remember to keep us safe when we are outside. The children shared their ideas of how we stay safe. Meanwhile in Nursery......   Talking about where we have been or might go in the world  Loose parts- making patterns   Learning routines  We are becoming familiar with some of the routines we have in Nurser...

Welcome to Papdale Nursery 2019-2020

Welcome to Papdale Nursery   The Nursery team have been delighted to see so many children in Nursery this week. We would like to welcome our new families and friends to the Nursery, and are happy to see last year's children returning. We are looking forward to getting to know our new children, and to catching up with the children who were part of the Nursery last year. We are ready for a fun filled term, and hope you hear lots of stories about what everyone gets up to.   ' It's lovely to see all of you at Papdale Nursery'   * Reminders*   Nursery lunches are free this year. Children no longer have to pay for their lunch. Please remember to bring a pair of wellies to keep at Nursery. We are outside everyday which means it is easier to have a pair here at all times. Can we also remind you to have a change of clothes in your child's bag in case of accidents. It would be really helpful if clothes and footwear could be lab...